Google Sheets Formulas for Science and Engineering

Google Sheets is a versatile tool that can significantly enhance productivity in science and engineering fields. Whether you’re analyzing experimental data, modeling scientific phenomena, or performing engineering calculations, mastering Google Sheets formulas can streamline your work and improve accuracy. This article covers essential Google Sheets formulas tailored for science and engineering applications.

1. SUM: Totaling Experimental Data

The SUM function is invaluable for aggregating numerical data, such as summing up measurements, experimental results, or computational outputs.

Example Usage:

  • Total Measurements: =SUM(A2:A10) — Adds up all the values in the range A2 to A10 to get the total measurements from an experiment.
  • Total Forces: =SUM(B2:B10) — Calculates the sum of forces recorded in cells B2 to B10 for engineering analysis.

2. AVERAGE: Calculating Mean Values

The AVERAGE function is useful for finding the mean value of a dataset, which is essential for analyzing trends and summarizing experimental data.

Example Usage:

  • Average Temperature: =AVERAGE(C2:C10) — Computes the average temperature from a series of readings.
  • Average Speed: =AVERAGE(D2:D10) — Calculates the average speed from recorded measurements.

3. STDEV: Measuring Data Dispersion

The STDEV function helps you measure the variability or dispersion in your data, which is crucial for understanding the spread of experimental results or engineering measurements.

Example Usage:

  • Standard Deviation of Measurements: =STDEV(E2:E10) — Finds the standard deviation of measurement data in the range E2 to E10.
  • Standard Deviation of Load Data: =STDEV(F2:F10) — Measures the variability in load data recorded in cells F2 to F10.

4. LINEST: Performing Linear Regression

The LINEST function performs linear regression analysis, allowing you to model the relationship between two variables, such as predicting outcomes based on experimental data.

Example Usage:

  • Regression Analysis: =LINEST(G2:G10, H2:H10) — Performs linear regression on the data in columns G and H to model the relationship between the variables.

5. FORECAST: Predicting Future Values

The FORECAST function is used to predict future values based on existing data trends, which is useful for project planning or forecasting experimental results.

Example Usage:

  • Forecast Future Temperature: =FORECAST(I2, J2:J10, K2:K10) — Predicts the future temperature based on historical data.

6. QUERY: Advanced Data Analysis

The QUERY function allows for advanced data manipulation and extraction, providing powerful capabilities for analyzing and summarizing data based on specific criteria.

Example Usage:

  • Extract Specific Data: =QUERY(L2:M10, “SELECT L, M WHERE M > 100”) — Retrieves data where the values in column M are greater than 100.

7. IMPORTDATA: Bringing in External Data

The IMPORTDATA function enables you to import data from external sources, which can be useful for integrating datasets from scientific databases or engineering tools.

Example Usage:

  • Import External Dataset: =IMPORTDATA(“”) — Imports data from a specified URL, such as a CSV file from an external database.

8. SPLIT: Dividing Data into Components

The SPLIT function is useful for separating text or numeric data into individual components, which can be helpful for processing data collected from various sources.

Example Usage:

  • Split Data into Columns: =SPLIT(N2, “,”) — Divides the content of cell N2 into separate columns based on commas.


Google Sheets offers a suite of powerful formulas that can significantly enhance your work in science and engineering. From basic calculations with SUM and AVERAGE to advanced data analysis with LINEST and QUERY, mastering these functions can streamline your data management processes and improve your analytical capabilities.

For more information on Google Sheets formulas and features, visit the Google Sheets Help Center and explore resources like Ben Collins’ Spreadsheet Tips.

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