Google Sheets Formulas for Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is critical for making data-driven decisions that drive growth and efficiency. Google Sheets offers powerful formulas and tools to help you analyze and interpret data effectively. This guide will walk you through essential Google Sheets formulas for enhancing your business intelligence capabilities.

1. SUM: Aggregating Data for Insightful Analysis

The SUM function is fundamental for aggregating numerical data, which is crucial for calculating totals, sums, and other key metrics in your BI reports.

Example Usage:

  • Total Revenue: =SUM(A2:A100) — Calculates the total revenue from a range of cells, providing a quick view of your overall sales.
  • Total Expenses: =SUM(B2:B100) — Sums up expenses recorded in a specific range to help in budget tracking.

2. AVERAGE: Understanding Mean Values

The AVERAGE function helps in finding the mean value of a set of numbers, which can be useful for analyzing performance trends and averages.

Example Usage:

  • Average Sales Per Month: =AVERAGE(C2:C13) — Computes the average monthly sales, aiding in trend analysis.
  • Average Customer Rating: =AVERAGE(D2:D50) — Provides the average rating from customer feedback, helping in quality assessment.

3. QUERY: Advanced Data Filtering and Analysis

The QUERY function allows for advanced data filtering and manipulation, making it essential for generating customized reports and insights.

Example Usage:

  • Top Performing Products: =QUERY(E2:F100, “SELECT E, F WHERE F > 1000”) — Filters products with sales over 1000 units for performance analysis.
  • Monthly Revenue Report: =QUERY(G2:H100, “SELECT G, SUM(H) GROUP BY G”) — Aggregates revenue by month for detailed reporting.

4. VLOOKUP: Retrieving Data from Tables

The VLOOKUP function is invaluable for looking up data from large tables, enabling quick retrieval of relevant information for BI reports.

Example Usage:

  • Find Product Details: =VLOOKUP(“Product A”, I2:J100, 2, FALSE) — Retrieves details of “Product A” from a product list.
  • Lookup Customer Data: =VLOOKUP(K2, L2:M100, 2, FALSE) — Looks up customer information based on an ID.

5. IF: Applying Conditional Logic

The IF function allows for conditional logic in your formulas, which is useful for making decisions based on specific criteria in your data analysis.

Example Usage:

  • Sales Target Achievement: =IF(N2 > 5000, “Target Met”, “Target Not Met”) — Checks if sales exceed a target value and labels the result.
  • Expense Over Budget: =IF(O2 > P2, “Over Budget”, “Within Budget”) — Compares actual expenses to budgeted amounts.

6. SPLIT: Organizing Data for Better Analysis

The SPLIT function helps organize data by splitting text into separate columns, making it easier to analyze and visualize data.

Example Usage:

  • Split Full Names: =SPLIT(Q2, ” “) — Separates full names into first and last names for clearer reporting.
  • Divide Address Data: =SPLIT(R2, “,”) — Splits address components for better data organization.

7. CONDITIONAL FORMATTING: Highlighting Key Insights

Conditional formatting allows you to visually highlight key data points based on specific criteria, making important trends and anomalies stand out.

Example Usage:

  • Highlight High Sales: Apply formatting to cells where =A2:A100 > 10000 to emphasize high sales figures.
  • Flag Budget Overruns: Format cells where =B2:B100 > C2:C100 to identify budget overruns.

8. CHARTS: Visualizing Business Data

Creating charts in Google Sheets can effectively visualize business data. Use the data aggregated and processed with the above functions to create impactful visualizations like bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs.

Example Usage:

  • Sales Trends: Use data from =SUM(A2:A100) to generate a line chart showing sales trends over time.
  • Expense Breakdown: Create a pie chart using =SUM(B2:B100) to display the distribution of expenses.


Google Sheets provides a robust set of formulas and tools that are essential for business intelligence. By utilizing functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, QUERY, and VLOOKUP, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. Leverage these capabilities to enhance your BI processes and drive better business outcomes.

For more information on Google Sheets and advanced business intelligence techniques, explore the Google Sheets Help Center and visit Ben Collins’ website for expert tips and resources.

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